Exotic Pets

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Unconventional Pets

I have decided against creating an extension to my blog, Unconventional Pets for Unconventional People, at this address. I do not want to give the impression that people should get exotic pets simply to be 'cool.' If this is you motivation for being interested in exotic (or, as I prefer to say, unconventional) pets please make sure you know what you are getting into. My blog might help you do this...

My current URL isn't exactly one I'm 'happy' with either, but it's better than this. Still, I presume it's more likely that people will stumble upon this one so I'm not going to let go of it...

Still, just so that nobody can say I don't have any information in this blog, I will say that Slender Digit Chorus frogs, genus Kaloula, make great pets. I have two and have learned an immense amount of information about their biology, such as their defense mechanisms by observing them. When threatened they inflate themselves to look bigger. I intend to release both back where I found them in a couple of weeks. Far more interesting information on my blog...

